Mission to make AI work for all Indians
AI is making rapid strides in its capabilities, moving from simple data related tasks to providing front facing consumer applications. It won’t be wrong to say that we are entering an era where humans and AI will coexist, to further enhance human development. AI and related applications has the potential to further empower even the most disenfranchised and reduce inequities they face in this rapidly changing Ecosystem.
At AI4India.org our mission is to democratise access to Artificial Intelligence and ensure social and inclusive growth for India. We envision a future where AI is accessible to all, irrespective of their socio-economic background. We strive to create an ecosystem that empowers individuals and organizations to leverage AI for positive impact and growth. We are committed to promoting ethical AI practices and responsible development of AI systems.
Focus on 5 Themes
1. AI Technology Ecosystem
Understanding the existing technological capability available in the India and the world and identifying areas for development and investment, to be Atmanirbhar in AI Technology Ecosystem.
2. Societal Impact of AI
Developing plans to create AI applications most suitable for Indian Society keeping in view our cultural diversity, economic standing, languages etc. to reach maximum audience, by engaging with economists, futurologists, sociologists, designers and developers.
3. AI Policy, Legal, Regulations and Public Advocacy
Partnering with Think-Tanks, regulators, industry bodies, advocacies and legal experts to propose the appropriate framework that can enable development of AI that is ethical and has governed by a balanced regulatory mechanism.
4. Development of AI capabilities
Creating a platform that enables engagement of various stakeholders engaged in development of AI platforms and applications including educational and research institutes, developers and startups, standards bodies and leading technology corporates, both Indian and MNCs. Create a pool of mentors to nurture a large pipeline of AI developers.
5. Strategic Initiatives in AI
Addressing the key issues related to critical technologies that need to be developed in India, risk mitigation, country level partnerships. Also answering questions regarding applications in defence, national security, space and other critical areas.
ECONOMIC IMPACT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND AUTOMATIONCPRG, in collaboration with IIM Mumbai organised a Policy Conclave on the ‘Economic Impact of AI and Automation’ on August 30th and 31st, 2024. The conclave featured panel discussions exploring the potential impact of AI on the Startup Ecosystem, Fintech Industry and Governance. The paper on #DataDaan - Donate for a Digital India was released at the conclave.
Donate For A Digital India
Today, India is making rapid strides towards emerging as a global leader in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning innovation. However, researchers and innovators alone cannot create a flourishing AI/ML ecosystem and generate data-based solutions. A holistic, supportive, and harmonious ecosystem is essential. A key challenge for this innovation ecosystem is the need for more access to high-quality local data.
Therefore, India should launch a nationwide programme, ‘#DataDaan’, for voluntary data sharing for training of AI models and innovation.
Activities undertaken by AI4India.org
The forum intends to conduct a number of activities that will bring various stakeholders together.
1Panel Discussions, conclaves and seminars
2White Papers and policy briefs
3Enabling and empowering AI Ecosystem
Past Events
2024 Year in Review for Artificla Intelligence
Team AI4India
From left - Gopal, Adarsh, Raj, Kshitij, Salil, Shashi, Alok, Nikhil, Jai, Omkar, Rajesh and Santhosh.
Ideas in action at the AI4India Summit
AI in 2023 - A year in review
Friday, December 15, 2023
Expert session on Shaping the Impact of AI on Society.
Friday, October 6, 2023
Expert session on AI Technology Ecosystem - Imperatives and Opportunities for India.
Friday, March 24, 2023
Expert session on Making AI Applications for India
Friday, June 23rd, 2023
Participants in AI4India.org
- If you are interested in joining the forum please tell us about you. Click the button and submit the form.
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